Tips to Keep Your Mouth Healthy This Halloween

Happy Halloween

Halloween is the one time of year when kids are allowed to devour as much candy as their stomachs can handle.Halloween doesn't have to be your mouth’s worst enemy. You can indulge and keep your teeth taken care of with these helpful steps:
Moderation. With candy and festive treats all around, it can be tempting to snack all day. Instead, let yourself enjoy a candy bar after lunch or dinner to satisfy your sweet tooth. 
Rinse and Brush. Rinsing your mouth with water while and after you eat will help loosen food particles and dissolve any sticky sugars on and around your teeth. Brushing at least twice a day will also help ensure that you are keeping your pearly whites safe from plaque buildup. 
Sub Your Sweets. Keep healthier or less sugary sweets around to curb your cravings instead of candy. Dark chocolate and fruit can be great alternatives to that chewy, sticky sour candy!
The Less Time The Better. If you’re going to eat candy, choose a kind that isn’t terribly chewy or hard. The reason being that these types of sweets take longer to eat and are therefore exposing your mouth to harmful sugars longer.