Tooth Extraction Aftercare - Tips to Avoid Infection

tooth extraction

An extracted tooth is always painful, but it could lead to more pain if the site gets infected. Here are some important tips to prevent infection after a tooth extraction.

Do Not Use Tobacco

Tobacco is treated with thousands of chemicals, any number of which can wreak havoc on an open wound. Chew gum or go for a walk instead.

Wash Your Hands Before Applying Fresh Gauze

Our hands come in contact with contaminated surfaces all day every day. Wash them before changing gauze.

Apply Fresh Gauze Before They Become Saturated

The longer gauze sit in your mouth, the more contaminated they become. Change them before they become saturated to avoid infection.

Rest and the Immune System

The immune system is supported by rest. After surgery, it needs to work harder to keep you healthy. Help your immune system by resting and letting it do it’s job.

Use a mouthwash

A quick swish is more effective than just brushing. If you can’t brush, pick up some mouthwash over the counter and use it liberally until the wound has healed.

Avoid Solid Foods

Solid foods can become lodged in the wound after coming in contact with contaminated surfaces. Avoid them until the wound has healed completely.

Change Your Toothbrush

Old toothbrushes contain bacteria which can enter the wound and cause an infection. Make sure the toothbrush is new.

Brush Consistently

It may be painful, but brushing where you can will eliminate a lot of bacteria. Leave the rest to mouthwash.


Your dentist will likely give you a course of antibiotics to thwart any infection.

Drink Water

The more water you drink, the faster your system will flush out any infections that may be taking hold.

If you are considering extracting one or more tooth or need free consultation to review options to save a tooth feel free to reach your doctors at woodbridge smiles. We are always here to help. Call our office now at (703)-910-4805 for an appointment